Find below some of Nordic West Office’s publications from the past years.
Global Scenarios 2024–30
New cold war? Energy crisis? Ukraine? Taiwan? Will we see the recovery of the global economy or one crisis after another?
To answer these questions and others, Nordic West Office brought together Nordic companies to develop Global Scenarios to describe plausible futures.
Scenarios help companies, organisations and societies to prepare for the future, and stress test their strategies.
Learn more:
Projects &
In spring 2024 Nordic West Office conducted a report to look into the following questions:
Is Finland and Sweden’s membership in NATO a watershed moment?
What should the two countries do together to improve their competitiveness, resilience and their international standing?
Murroksellisten teknologioiden vaikutukset – niin uhkina kuin mahdollisuuksinakin – ovat nousseet viime vuosina yhä konkreettisemmin osaksi myös kansallisen turvallisuuden kysymyksiä, turvallisuuspolitiikkaa sekä puolustusyhteistyötä.
Puolustusministeriön kanssa v. 2022–23 laadittu raportti esittelee kymmenen toimenpidesuositusta, joiden avulla Suomi voi varmistaa, että se on valmis vastaamaan murroksellisten teknologioiden kansalliselle turvallisuudelle tuomaan haasteeseen.
How to speed up the transition to a more sustainable and more profitable maritime ecosystem? How to accelerate the decarbonisation of shipping?
Answering these two questions brought together a diverse group of contributors from different parts of the maritime industry and the global decarbonisation ecosystem. The participants included representatives from 13 companies, five international organisations and one academic institution.
We have been motivated by a strong commitment to work together for a better future for the oceans and the globe.
Teollisuuspolitiikka on tehnyt näyttävän paluun kansainväliseen keskusteluun viime vuosien aikana. Vientiteollisuuden tilaama raportti kertoo, kuinka Suomi voi pärjätä uudenlaisen teollisuuspolitiikan aikakaudella ja voittaa kilpailun vihreistä investoinneista ja työpaikoista.
Risto E.J. Penttilän johdolla valmisteltu raportti esittelee erilaisia skenaarioita, johtopäätöksiä ja kuuden kohdan korjauslistan seuraavalle hallitukselle. Avain menestykseen on huolehtia yritysten toimintaedellytyksistä.
A joint report by five leading Finnish companies argues that it is time for Finland to start a serious conversation about what hydrogen could mean for Finland’s climate targets, energy system, and industries.
What does hydrogen mean for Finland? Could Finland become a global producer and exporter of hydrogen or hydrogen-derived synthetic fuels? Could Finnish industries use hydrogen to cut their carbon emissions? Can hydrogen help Finland store and transport energy produced by wind?
Fortum, Gasum, Toyota Auto Finland Oy, UPM Energy, and Wärtsilä have come together to discuss the opportunities and constraints of the new hydrogen ecosystem for Finland in the joint report Finland and the Hydrogen Economy. The report has been produced by Nordic West Office.
The report explains the basics of hydrogen, shares a vision of what hydrogen could mean for Finland, proposes next steps for Finland, and shows what other countries are already doing.
According to the report, hydrogen can offer Finland tremendous opportunities in both curbing its carbon emissions and creating whole new industries, exports, and high-skilled jobs. However, as challenges remain, it is vital to consider carefully what the most efficient uses of hydrogen are, and what types of investments should be prioritized.
Countries around the world are preparing their own hydrogen strategies. It is time for Finland, too, to start a serious conversation about what hydrogen could mean for Finland’s climate targets, energy system, and industries.
This report was published in November 2020.
AI Scenarios
Artificial Intelligence is transforming the world in profound ways. But how will it shape the societies at large? What are the possible scenarios and their implications for different actors?
Nordic West Office and Miltton, together with fourteen organisations from key critical sectors, have analysed four scenarios that examine the potential outcomes of AI development up until 2030.
Learn more here.
Romahdusvaara! Suuri vihreä suunnitelma? Vai kenties jotain aivan muuta?
Nordic West Office ja Elinkeinoelämän valtuuskunta EVA toteuttivat Suomi-skenaariot -hankkeen keväällä 2023 yhteistyössä neljäntoista julkisen ja yksityisen sektorin toimijan kanssa
Lue lisää täältä.